Interesting article– Wall Sreeet Journal RSS feeds signal quick adoption of blogs & RSS for large law firms . The cutting-edge firms will be the first to have blogs and RSS feeds. I tried a few medium/large size and techlaw firms I know, and none of them have feeds yet. Anyone know of a list of good law firm feeds? See also Tom Mighell’s 2003 lawyer blog predictions and other articles here.
Useful law news feeds that one can subscribe to (with a good news aggregator such as SharpReader) include and LLRX; see also this guide, RSS News Feeds for Law.
Coda: Nipper writes:
The blogs I read (most of which are IP) can be found here: From there you can extract the RSS feeds. OR, I you could import my OPML file (a file of RSS feeds that can be imported into your preferred news aggregator): You could import the OPML file into your news aggregator and then delete the non-IP blogs I read…. You could also view that knj file (it is XML) and extract the RSS Feeds…
As for blog aggregators, I use NewsGator for Outlook ( when at work and Kinja ( when on the road/at home.
Bonjour et merci !Il n’y aura malheureusement pas de saison 2 pour ‘The Event’, la série a été annulée par NBC faute d’audiences au terme de la première saison. Malgré des rumeurs sans fondement de reprise de la série par la chaîne SYFY, la série est belle et bien annulée.